Oh!.. Charbel Baini

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By: Marcelle Mansour

Oh! ... Charbel Baini!
Is that a surprise?..
How wonderful to look back and to see ourselves..!!.
In fact it is the seeing of our deeds and achievements regardless of being big or small...
For giving awards or prizes actually brings the feelings of pleasure for the giver and the receiver...
Awards are existed to say thank you for what has been done that is a greatly appreciated!...
And in fact ...it puts more burden and responsibility on the receiver!!!....
Wow...17 years passed, and you still giving awards to many achievers!!!....
Mainly to recognize the people’s efforts and to lift up the community image....
It is a wonderful act... for it indeed makes the history since we are all mortal....
WE are all responsible to keep doing the good work and God bless.